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IncludED in the Main?!: ENABLE Report

enablescotlandAt Enquire’s annual conference on 16th March 2017, Jan Savage from Enable Scotland spoke about IncludED in the Main?!  This important ‘national conversation’ details the reality of educational experiences for young people in Scotland who have learning disabilities.

#IncludED in the Main?! was informed by over 800 responses. It identifies 22 recommendations or steps on the journey to inclusion. The report issues a challenge to the Scottish Government to listen and to act to make truly inclusive education a reality.

Read #IncludED in the Main?! here.

Child Health in Scotland

happy children

The RCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) has published its latest report about the state of child health in the UK.  Nearly 1 in 5 children in the UK  is living in poverty, and inequality is blighting their lives, with those from the most deprived backgrounds experiencing much worse health compared with those from the most affluent backgrounds. There is a strong association between deprivation and mortality, and the UK rates 15 out of 19 Western European countries on infant (under one year) mortality.

As part of their report RCPCH has issued State of Child Heath: 2017 Recommendations for Scotland with twelve separate recommendations.  These include reducing the number of child deaths, reducing child poverty and inequality, maximising women’s health before, during and after pregnancy, and improving children’s mental health and wellbeing .

Read the Recommendations for Scotland here.

Scottish Government Review of Education

In September 2016 a Governance Review of Scottish Education was launched, titled ‘Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve excellence and equity in education.’  The review is an opportunity for children and young people, parents, teachers, practitioners and the wider community to share their views on how schools in Scotland are run.  People are encouraged to add their voices by responding to the review in writing.  The review will run until 6 January 2017. 

The review states that education is the defining mission of the current Government.  There is a commitment to delivering excellence and equity for all children and young people – raising standards for all and closing the educational attainment gap between the children from the most and least deprived areas in Scotland.  The Government believes that decisions about children’s learning and school life should be taken at school level, supported by parents and the local community.

More information and the opportunity to take part in the online survey is available here.

Kidz Scotland Event 15th September 2016

Kidz Scotland is one of the largest FREE events dedicated to children and young adults with disabilities and additional needs, their families, carers and all the people who support them. There will be over 100 exhibitors offering advice and information about a whole range of topics including mobility aids, access to sport and leisure, funding for equipment – and much more.

This year’s event ‘Kidz to Adultz Scotland’ takes place on Thursday 15th September at the Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh.

Download visitor’s free entry ticket and see more information here.

Delivery Plan for Scottish Education

Scottish Government logoOn 28 June 2016 the Scottish Government published its Education Delivery Plan: Delivering Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education.

The Plan outlines a number of actions to be taken around three key priorities:

  • closing the attainment gap;
  • ensuring we have a curriculum which delivers for our children and teachers; and
  • empowering our teachers, schools and communities to deliver for children and young people.Read the full Delivery Plan