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The Additional Support Needs Blog – Placing request timescales amended
The Education (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Coronavirus) (Scotland) Regulations 2020 came into force on 23 April 2020, having been laid before the Scottish Parliament at 4.30pm the day before.
In short, they give the education authority more time in which to take a decision on placing requests, and education appeal committees more time in which to hear appeals.

Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland (ASNTS)
ASNTS considers appeals against decisions made by education authorities on certain matters relating to the provision of additional support, particularly co-ordinated support plans (CSPs).

Contact A Family Scotland
Contact A Family offers information and support to families who care for children with a disability or additional needs.  It can also link families who have a child with a rare or specific syndrome.

Education Law Unit – Govan Law Centre
The Education Law Unit is Scotland’s expert legal resource in school education, providing information and advice, training, and legal representation.

Education Scotland
Education Scotland is the national body responsible for reviewing the curriculum, supporting quality and improvement in learning and teaching, and providing national guidance and advice to the education system.

Enquire is the Scottish information and advice service for additional support for learning.  It runs a dedicated telephone helpline service and produces publications to explain rights and duties relating to additional support for learning.

Kindred Advocacy
Kindred provides advocacy and support to families of children and young people with disabilities and long-term conditions.  It runs a telephone helpline, and offers a counselling service as well as therapeutic massage.  Currently Kindred works in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife, and it is setting up a team in Glasgow to work with families with children with complex disabilities.

Let’s Talk ASN Scotland
A Scottish Government funded service for the parents of children with additional support needs who may require support in relation to a dispute with an educational authority and have the right to make a reference to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal for Scotland (ASNTS) The service is also available to 16/17year olds with additional support needs. The service aims to resolve disputes at the earliest stage possible.

Parentline Scotland
Parentline is a confidential telephone helpline providing information and support to parents and carers in talking through any concern about parenting.

Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)
SAMH promotes mental health and well-being for everyone in Scotland.  It provides information about mental health concerns and offers support.

Scottish Mediation Network (SMN)
SMN aims to ensure that mediation becomes a core part of resolving disputes, and provides information about mediation services available across Scotland.

Salvesen Mindroom Centre
Salvesen Mindroom Centre is a Scottish charity dedicated to supporting, informing and empowering all those living with learning difficulties.

Partners in Advocacy
Independent advocacy for individuals living with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders, physical disabilities and people over 65. Also provides independent advocacy to children and young people who are living with mental health issues, additional support needs and learning disabilities.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Bill to respect, protect and fulfil children’s rights.

The Additional Support Needs Blog
Blog written by Iain Nisbet, education law consultant. Provides information and views about education law and policy and related topics.

Impact of Parent-Teacher Relationships Survey
Survey exploring parent-teacher relationship and feelings around parenting and mental well-being to parents of children with additional support needs (attending primary/secondary school).