The NHS Education for Scotland Autism Training Framework ‘Optimising Outcomes’ is available online.
The purpose of this document is to help organisations identify the levels of knowledge and skill their staff require in order to meet the needs of people with autism spectrum conditions and their families and carers, and to identify staff training needs that support the delivery of national guidelines. It should also help individual staff members to understand the values underpinning the Scottish Strategy for Autism.
Values and principles intrinsic to the framework:
To facilitate staff to be able to provide a service to individuals, their families and carers that values their rights to:
- Independence
- Being viewed and treated as individuals
- Being treated fairly
- Having access to services that will support them in realising their potential and promote wellbeing
- Make choices
- Respect and dignity
- Respect for privacy and confidentiality
- Treatment being compassionate and non-judgemental